SpeedwaySurvival 1.3.1! (Visual/Audio Update)
Speedway Survival v1.3.1 is here! Through this update, we really wanted to focus on updating visuals and audio that will deepen the game's survival horror theme!
Special thanks: Professor Wiley Wiggins
Darker aesthetics
This is a survival game all right, but where was the horror?? Now, the gameplay is much more intensified with a darker background and dimmer lighting.
Barricades resized
The barricades were very big for a long time, which wasn't visually appealing. Now, it is proportioned to be much a proper size compared to the street lamp.
Flashlight Animation Fix
There was a slight bug where the flickering animation was still running while the flashlight was charged, resulting in the flashlight turning off temporarily while there was charge left. Now, the animation properly resets whenever you charge your flashlight.
Sola Collision Fix
There was a huge bug with Sola colliding with the monster multiple times even after the enemy dies! Now, Sola will only take damage only once when the enemy collides, and the enemy will disappear immediately.
Monsters disappear after goal met
Speaking of enemies, all monsters will now disappear after you have reached the number of monsters required to kill during each level. This was done to prevent the monsters from killing you while you are walking to the next level.
The credits scene was finally added. Always remember who you've worked with, people! You can see credits either in the title screen or the ending.
The highlight of this update: massive audio additions! Background music was added for both the title screen and credits scene, so you can feel the intensity before you begin your journey! Sound effects were also added for moving, eating sundaes, and flickering lights. Now, you can easily tell what Sola is doing while monsters chase you around.
The next patch will be focused on improving the tutorial, animation of characters, and more!
Stay tuned, and BEWARE OF THE SPEEDWAY ~oOo~
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Speedway Survival
Survive the darkest hour at UT Austin!
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